I absolutely love being a lecturer and entertaining and enlightening my audiences with my many programs. I am always delighted to see that my efforts are being appreciated. In June of 2013 I had the pleasure to present my program: Operation Freedom-- The Berlin Airlift at the Mount Prospect Public Library and was floored by the overwhelmingly enthusiastic reception!

 Here is what the participants wrote on their comment cards:


  • Great

  • Anette is wonderful

  • Amazing, enjoyable presentation

  • Speaker vibrant, prepared marvelously-Made topic come alive with excitement-Bravo!

  • Fascinating bit of history

  • Speaker covered all phases of lift-Very good!

  • Great-Wish more young people were here

  • Fantastic-Pictures were superior

  • Great info-Excellent presentation-Interesting to hear from eyewitness in audience

  • Just delightful-Good to be reminded of the past

  • Great, light presentation of difficult time in history

  • Speaker energetic-Fully researched topic

  • Enlightening and very interesting

  • Very interesting and well-presented program

  • Great organization

  • Excellent program

  • Excellent information and visuals

  • Very well done-Terrific presenter

  • Wonderful and good slides!

  • Excellent delivery and information

  • Very informative-Great facts given

  • Interesting-Informative-Good pace

  • Excellent, factual, interesting, lively presenter

  • Historical data excellent

  • Excellent-Well prepared-Never knew exactly how this all worked so well

  • Very informative

  • I learned a lot

  • Speaker was charming